Acerca del curso
Diseñado para bebés y niños de 0 a 3 años de edad, este programa busca fomentar vínculos de apego seguro entre padres e hijos, a través de una combinación de actividades artísticas, sensoriales y de libre movimiento, fomentamos la exploración y el desarrollo de habilidades motoras, sensoriales, lingüísticas, sociales y cognitivas
Inscripciones abiertas
What you learn
- Learning by exploration
- Building communication skills
- Encouraging positive peer interaction
- Theme based Concept Time
- Math Readiness
- Language Readiness
- Opportunities for fine and gross motor
- Promoting cognitive development
Activities Involved
- Sensory Time
- Story Time
- Water Play
- Sand Play
- Creative Time
- Library Time
- Puppet shows and skits
- Free Play with Technology Corner
What parents say
“My child loves learning, can think critically, and has an amazing educational base. Both kids are comfortable speaking in public and they have great memories with wonderful role models.”
Claire Stone